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welcome to my pages about god-realization which is the culmination of all awakenings = enlightenment

there is alot of information inside this website but the most important concept is that you are an Atman and ATman is Brahman.....Atman is always Brahman and Brahman is always Atman..sometimes its nirguan and someimtes its saguna..formless and with form...Atman/Brahman. sometimes called the Self and sometimes called God sometimes called the I principle even Supreme Energy your very own Buddha Self..

to start.. i would read *before we begin to understand the way to Self-knowledge. then i would move on to shri atmanandas *notes on spiritual discourses* the table of contents please see Atma (Self), I principle, and then apparent I...(i skip around)

if you chose my way and don't feel to rushed to become enlightened you would read meher babas *god speaks* and his *discourses* will learn about the the evolution and involution of who and what you are...

if you are in a hurry maybe chose to go with the teachings of ramana maharshi..then later read nisargadatta..maybe robert adams.

of course reading the scriptures from india which is where these teaching were first written about is great and will help you alot on your path...

i started my journey with simple meditation and i read alot..later i added japa, repitition of a name of god, which there are many..i used ram ram ram..i practiced the yamas and niyamas, pratyahara, and samadhi ,and later did guru yoga which is meditation on a god-realized being...mine was baba hari dass...join my facebook group where i post some profound text everyday that will remind you to realize the most important factor in your life..the real YOU..

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